Saturday 23 June 2007

The Burford Festival

OWG members Mary Cavanagh and Jane Gordon-Cumming, together with Adrienne Dines, took part in a 'Meet the Author' session at the Burford Festival on Friday. Despite the weather, there was a reasonable audience, many of whom were writers themselves. We were introduced by the chairman, Anne Youngson, and read extracts from The Crowded Bed and A Proper Family Christmas and talked about how they came to be written, which led to a more general discussion on how to get published, and the benefits of writers' groups. Sadly we had to tell would-be members that the OWG is currently full. Afterwards Mary Anderson sold copies of our books from a Red Lion Bookshop stall.
This event was a first for the Buford Festival and we hope its success will encourage them to invite us back to the next one in two years' time.

Wednesday 6 June 2007

Oxford Writers' Group at the Museum of Oxford

Several of our members will be taking part in events at the Museum of Oxford over the Summer. Check out the Museum's website for details: